Monday, January 2, 2017

America Is Dead

America is dead.

Democracy is dead.

I am floating without a government.

Want to be mayor?

Put a few millions of your own money into the campaign,

or sell yourself to the rich who will.

Land of the free.

Freedom of religion.

The Statue of Liberty welcoming the masses.

That was decades ago.

Rich, white, male.

That’s one country.

Poor, middle class, white, black, Asian, female,

artist, free soul, Muslim, Sikh:

we are the enemy.

Capitalism is dead too.

Competition is evil to large corporations.

Kill the other companies.

Oligarchy means three competitors are too much.

Raise the rates, cut R & D, buy politicians.

Work lots more, lose your job, disappear.

Are you a machinist?  Might as well go into the horseshoe business.

Teacher?  Let me introduce the software that will take your place.

Robots in a row, that’s the factory floor.

So things change, but no retraining for you.  Just, like I said, disappear.

Maybe 500,000 will die without health insurance.

So die.

America is dead, and it was the most glorious idea in history:

let the skills, the needs, the passions of the millions define the nation.

Now it’s the same old thousand or so.  The country is them.

Might as well have a king.

Might as well re-establish property levels for the right to vote,

Say $20 million. 

Might as well.

Democracy is dead.

America is dead.

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